Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Thomas Hardy, A Collection

I've not read very much of Thomas Hardy's writings.  I remember enjoying 'Under The Greenwood Tree', beginning (but not finishing) 'A Pair of Blue Eyes',  and browsing through others, avoiding the most tragic of his stories.  Somehow, over time, I have ended up with these:  

I was drawn to the seventies paperbacks with their attractive photographs and so, whenever I spotted one I had to have it,  and before that a few newer Penguin editions.  Thomas Hardy was a great writer and I do intend to read these sometime, particularly as I love writing that is highly descriptive of the English countryside.


  1. I must read some more Hardy. Loved Tess and although some people find it a little depressing I liked Jude the Obscure, too. You have a good collection!

  2. Hello, yes I must read another Hardy sometime too. The two books you mention seem to be among the most popular of his writings but I do tend to steer away from really sad books or tragedies, that's just me!
